# Subscription

The Subscription allows you to subscribe to server-side events with Buoy. A little setup is required before use. The Subscription returns an Observable (opens new window).

# Initializing a new Subscription

A WatchQuery is initialized through the Buoy-service.

export class AppComponent implements OnDestroy {

    public mySubscription: Subscription;

        private buoy: Buoy
    ) {
        this.myMovieSubscription = this.buoy.subscribe(
            // Query
            gql `
                subscription ($id: Int!) {
                    movieUpdated(id: $id) {
            // Variables
                id: 1
            // Options
                scope: 'movieUpdated',
                onChange: (id, data) => {
                    console.log(`Operation ${id} received a new event:`, data);

The buoy.subscribe-method returns an Observable (opens new window). However, it is also possible to simply add a callback with the onChange-option. This method won't require you to manually unsubscribe from the Observable.

# Handling events from Buoy


# Options

Options are added as the third parameter on the buoy.subscribe()-method.

# scope TODO change to subscription-response

The scope will change the root of the data returned by the GraphQL-server.

The server will often return something like this:

    "movies": {
        "data": [
            { "title": "Movie 1" },
            { "title": "Movie 2" }

With the scope movies.data, you can skip the two first levels, and receive:

    { "title": "Movie 1" },
    { "title": "Movie 2" }

The scope should generally be the name of the first node in your query followed by .data, if your node is a paginator.

# Methods

# unsubscribe TODO

This method will unsubscribe you from further events from the GraphQL-server.

# Callbacks

The callbacks are also added as options on a Subscription.

# onInitialized

Is fired once the Subscription has been initialized.


Parameter Type Explanation
id number Buoy operation ID

# onChange

Is fired when a new event is received from the server.


Parameter Type Explanation
id number Buoy operation ID
data any Scoped data.